How to cancel your Philo subscription or trial

We’ll miss you!

Once you cancel you can keep watching Philo for the remainder of your current billing cycle. And of course, if you miss us too, you can (Link opens in a new tab)reactivate at any time.

Select your biller below for steps on how to cancel your subscription.

  • If you’re subscribed to Philo through Amazon, follow the steps below to cancel your subscription.

    1. On the Actions drop-down list for your Philo subscription, select Turn off auto-renewal.

    2. Click Turn off auto-renewal to confirm.

    You'll still be able to watch Philo for the remainder of your billing cycle.

  • If you’re subscribed to Philo through Apple, follow the steps below to cancel your subscription on your iOS or tvOS device.

    1. Go to your device Settings.

    2. Tap your name, and then Subscriptions.

    3. Under Active Subscriptions, tap Philo. If you're not signed in to your Apple ID, you'll be prompted to sign in.

    4. Tap Cancel Subscription.

    You'll still be able to watch Philo for the remainder of your billing cycle.

  • If you’re subscribed to Philo through Google, follow the steps below to cancel your subscription on your Android device.

    1. Open the Google Play Store.

    2. Tap your profile icon in the top-right corner.

    3. Tap Payments & subscriptions, and then Subscriptions.

    4. Tap Philo: Live and On-Demand TV, and then Cancel subscription.

    5. Select your reason for canceling and tap Continue.

    6. Tap Cancel subscription to confirm.

    You can also cancel your Google-billed Philo subscription online at (Link opens in a new tab)

    You'll still be able to watch Philo for the remainder of your billing cycle.

  • If you’re subscribed to Philo directly through us, follow the steps below to cancel your subscription.

    1. Click your Profile avatar and select Account.

    2. Click Cancel my subscription.

    3. Click Continue to cancellation, and then select a reason for cancelling.

    4. Click Complete cancellation to confirm.

    You'll still be able to watch Philo for the remainder of your billing cycle.

  • If you’re subscribed to Philo through Roku, follow the steps below to cancel your subscription on your Roku.

    1. Press the

      roku home icon
      button on your Roku remote.

    2. Highlight the Philo app and press the

      star icon
      button on your Roku remote.

    3. Click Manage subscription.

    4. Click Cancel subscription, and then click it again to confirm.

    5. Click Done.

    You'll still be able to watch Philo for the remainder of your billing cycle.

  • If you’re subscribed to Philo through Vizio, follow the steps below to cancel your subscription.

    1. Go to Subscriptions and Purchases.

    2. Click Update next to your Philo subscription.

    3. Click Cancel Subscription.

    4. Click Update Subscription to confirm your cancellation.

    You'll still be able to watch Philo for the remainder of your billing cycle.

Locking your card won’t prevent subscription charges.

After you cancel your subscription, we’ll retain certain parts of your information, including your name, email address, and phone number. Our payment processor will retain your payment card number to facilitate restarting your Philo Subscription Service unless you click the “remove payment info” button on your Account page.